(1) Our is an organization functioning on the line of Military Services.

(2) We have a large team of Ex-Servicemen well trained and experienced in Security duties.

(3) We deploy our personnel in Smart Terry cot Uniform completes from headgear to footwear.

(4) We also provide free of cost monsoon wear to our staffs.

(5) Our staff will not be a member of any union and you will find them most honest, disciplined, loyal and well mannered in all respects.

(6) We are responsible for all statutory liabilities to our staff from time to time.

(7) We have with us trained and expert field staff that looks after supervision and surprise checks of personnel deployed for duties.

(8) We ensure that there will not be any theft or pilferage due to negligence or direct complicity of our staff.

(9) We reserve the right to replace any of our staff by providing suitable relief.

(10) We are capable to provide additional strength of security personnel at a very short notice to our clients.

(11) We also do free of cost liaison work for our clients in respect of the security matters.

(12) Before deploying our staff for duties, we give them training in Fire-fighting, Industrial Security and Intelligence work.

(13) Alertness and Smartness of our staff will give you warmth pleasure on gate and elsewhere.

(14) We are specialized in the fields of providing Armed Escorts for Cash and Protection to Personnel.

(15) All our personnel are paid in accordance with Minimum Wages Act and other law prevailing and leaving no liability whatsoever on the principal

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